Live Event Video Content is GOLD

Live-editing is better, faster, and cheaper than traditional editing!

And what that really means is that you can have a good looking copy of everything that happened at your conference overnight! This is conference gold that can change your event forever!

Sell your Event Content as VOD

Most conferences immediately put their content into a VOD platform to continue to monetize their event and increase their budgets for the next year. If this is your plan, we recommend finding the right marketing mix to continue to advertise and attract buyers. Ideally, you can set price points and find out if you spend X dollars on ads it results in Y conversions. Depending on on your industry, CE credits are often valid after a conference is over and provide a good incentive for continued viewership.

Watch All the Breakouts!

Why are all the best sessions at the same time? If you offer recordings after the fact to attendees, it doesn’t matter because they can watch all the sessions. This is especially useful when breakout session space is limited, and not all the attendees can fit into that one popular session.

Create a podcast!

Podcasts are a great way to drip content to your audiences between events, and recordings from breakout session can easily fill a playlist for listeners for the rest of the year. Audio formats may need a small amount of editing to frame conversations and eliminate dead space. Usually a few cuts and an intro from a host can make a very compelling product.

Content Marketing!

With AI, transcripts are easily created in a matter of minutes from professional recordings. Having the bones of a year’s worth of blog posts can be an invaluable addition to your marketing efforts. Keep in mind that transcripts need to be edited more heavily than podcasts to make a quality product. Many people don’t speak in complete sentences, and context may need to be added back in. But the SEO benefits alone are hugely valuable.

Many customer conferences can also benefit from the value content recordings and transcripts can bring to their customer support. Demos and how-to’s from your clients often highlight best practices. With some planning, your conference materials can really enrich a support library.

Increase your Audience!

Overall, the greatest benefit from recording and streaming events is that it increases the popularity of that event. How many concerts do you pay to attend without having heard the artist on the radio? How many tickets would the NFL sell without their network broadcasts? Until they began to post their content TED TALKS were just an obscure (and sometimes financially unsuccessful) event. Distribution of the content is what made these events powerful.